I'm sure the game could upgrade many different ways such as: augmented reality, social media, multi-player, etc so I'm curious to see what's next for Red Revolution. Welltris - Real Retro Games,Brick Breaker for PC Windows and Mac. Overall, I'll save this game on my iPhone a little longer to see if there's more to come. Download Welltris for PC Windows 10/8/7 Laptop - Step by step guide on How to Download. This would be equally as rewarding as getting high scores. Where are the in-game unlockables? The music alone made me feel closer to the game but please add the ability to unlock things like food recipes, photos, composition sheets, etc.
With more practice I suppose this could be overcome ) At times I'm tempted to zoom 'in & out' so it's sometimes counter-intuitive. However, the controls take a little bit getting used to.
The music, voice -overs and graphics show high quality.
Now this game has taken it to the true next level. When Columns (sega) came out I liked it for its fast pace feel, easy controls and music. I've enjoyed puzzle games like Tetris (nintendo) because of its obvious challenge and symphony music.